My most recent creative endeavor (among other things I still do just for fun) has been to create photo cards on the computer. I began this new creative discovery while I was pregnant with my first child. I was interested in finding a way I could share with my family and friends the birth of my little girl and came across the fun and creative (not to mention beautiful) idea of photo card announcements. After showing my husband all of the fun ideas that I found to create the announcement, he promptly and confidently said, "I could do that" (who knew?). Together, we created our daughter's birth announcement in April 2006. While looking over my husband's shoulder, I "told" him exactly what I envisioned it to look like and he worked his magic touch on the computer (honestly, I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of program knowledge needed to create such a thing and back then I was somewhat afraid of learning the "ins and outs" of computer "stuff").
Here is that finished product...the first one of many and I have only gained more experience and knowledge about creating these cards, not to mention I've had a whole lot of fun along the way!

To be fair to my second child, I thought I would show you the announcement for our sweet baby boy born September 2007. This one I did by myself!

Now, instead of my husband getting to have all the fun, I took over the keyboard, found the confidence (and the patience to teach myself that aforementioned dreaded computer "stuff") and put my skills to the test. Thanks to my family and friends (and word of mouth), I have created birth announcements, Christmas cards, birthday invitations, and a few other special holidays and events along the way. I see this being my best "creative adventure" yet! (And maybe even business...dare I say that?) I can't wait to show you what I have created so far.